Showcase: 2024
- Outline
- YouthBuild Boston
- Hector Foundation
- Allston Brighton Community Development Corporation
YouthBuild Boston
youthbuildboston.orgYouthBuild Boston empowers and assists young people of color with essential social, vocational, academic, and life skills necessary to navigate a positive pathway to self-sufficiency, neighborhood responsibility and careers in the building industry.
Interactive Map
Website and Interactive Map for YBB projects Interactive map of Boston displaying locations of current and past YouthBuild Boston projects, with various socioeconomic filters for neighborhoods and districts in Boston.
Hector Foundation
hectorfoundation.comThe Hector Foundation gives young Haitians the skills and resources they need to become leaders, innovators and change agents. They are committed to creating a more equitable society where all individuals have the opportunity to reach their full potential and contribute to the growth of their communities.
Application Portal
Scalable Application portal for ease of judging and admitting students. Developed a scalable application portal for applicants, similar to Common App, with an extensive admin view that allows for ease of judging and admitting students. The platform allows the Hector Foundation to coordinate and automate the first-ever pre-college program, PAYS, for highschool students in Haiti.
Allston Brighton Community Development Corporation
allstonbrightoncdc.orgAllston Brighton CDC has led initiatives that create and preserve affordable homes, foster community leadership, and provide first-time homebuyers with the tools and resources to reach their goals. They partner with Allston Brighton residents to increase their economic well being and stabilize the neighborhood while fostering connections and community, so residents can build the lives they envision for themselves.
Data Visualization Tool
Visualization of demographic information for the two neighborhoods Created a visualization tool with easy to use features, data categories with subdivisions for ease of understanding, and side-by-side comparison of demographic data all with an emphasis of simplicity over redundancy